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Created by Vincenzo Amaro
& Constantin Onea
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Call Target Bore is a program designed and created by those who work directly in the field. Its features reflect the needs of all types and for each user. This program receives data from the user, processes them instantly and advises on what to do each drill pipe up to the target-exit in real time through control and information windows, graphs, settings and object options. In fact, as soon as the project data is imported/entered, the program builds a virtual tunnel that guides the user. Call Target Bore designs or simulates projects, the user can choose the work mode that best suits his needs: recalculate trajectories with the input of the azimuth/Inclination, Right/Elevation or with both, depending on the settings and selected modes, create File Backup(*xl..) containing project data that can be conveniently sent by a technician in the office to another user who works on site, for situations where you have to go back or change trajectories etc, or Real As-built file in real time at the end of the work. Easy and intuitive for those who want to know all its potential. It gives brief information to each button pressed of the action that is about to do at that moment and therefore with the possibility of going back if you change your mind or accidental keys. It has an ongoing user registry that collects data on who is using the program at the time, how and what it is doing. Import the coordinates x, y, z from file(*xl..) if sent by a topographer.

Most of the information you will find them by clicking on the various buttons in the options and UserForm and clicking on the appropriate Info buttons where you will also find this information that you have just read.

- Call Target Bore is a program created with VBA, XML, HTML on the Office Excel platform, therefore Excel required installed on the PC/Tablet recommended versions from 2010 * onwards.

- It works on a single PC (Windows) or a single Tablet (Windows) with its own user number and password. Once opened and registered on the appropriate PC or Tablet it cannot be opened later on another device. The program is canceled.

HDD Drilling software
Privacy Policy
Created by Vincenzo Amaro
& Constantin Onea
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